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Impacting The Globe With Praise

"Our Mission is to:


• Glorify God


• Evangelize The World


• Edify The Believer

by sharing ":The Good News and Great Music."


— Ivory D. Payne

247 Praise is a Stellar Award nominated Gospel internet radio station. Established in 2010 as an extension of The Praise Reporter News Magazine and The BR Weekly Press Newspaper (


The Praise Reporter, a monthly printed publication has shared good news about great communities. With over 70,000 plus readers at over 400 churches, in the Columbus area. As a monthly printed publication, we recieved several requests for sharing news, articles, music and a variety of other information from our readers, community leaders, organizations and businesses in between issues. In response to these needs, we have launched 

The Baton Rouge Weekly Press is considered to be the number one minority newspaper in The Greater Baton Rouge area and has served the public for over 40 years. The Weekly Press is distributed every week with a total circulation of 60,000 and has over 400 distribution points and growing every week. These distribution points include State and Local Government buildings, Banks, Churches, Louisiana State University, Southern University, schools and libraries in the East Baton Rouge Parish.


247PraiseRadio has a motto of Sharing Good News and Great Music and is listed on several popular internet radio listing such as iTunes, TiVo, D-Link, Windows Media Player 10, Windows Media Center, Squeezebox, Palm,,, Phillips and more, giving us access to over 4 million new listeners outside of the 70,000 readers of the Praise Reporter. 247 Praise is Impacting the globe with praise with more music and more Word. Keep listening and tell a friend.


We're Your Global Inspiration Station

Our Mission is to:


• Glorify God


• Evangelize The World


• Edify The Believer by sharing 

  'Good News' and Great Music.



What we do


• Offer quality music, news, and information  to listeners around the world


• Give ministries an affordable option for international exposure


• Give businesses a platform to share products and services


• Give authors, gospel music artists and poets a platform to share thier gift with millions.



Call Us TODAY! 888.963.7186

Meet The Praise Team

Special Thanks 


The PRAISE TEAM is a group of talented and dedicated people. Without their contributions this effort would not be possibe! Thanks for believing in the vision!


If you want to become a part of the ‘PRAISE TEAM’,  e-mail me at or inbox me on Facebook or Twitter and let’s talk about the possibilities of impacting the globe with PRAISE!

Celeste M. Payne

Ronald Smith

Cheryl Boggs

We're Impacting The Globe With Praise

Delthia Waller

Elliot Dogan


In December 2010 we launched 247 Praise Radio as an extention of the Praise Reporter News magazine. Out of the gate, the station broke records. According to Live365, the largest provider of internet radio in the world, 247 Praise Radio had seven times more listeners in its first two months than the average internet radio start up and in January they ranked us the fourth most listened to gospel station. Listeners from 64 countries logged in January! We are reaching further than we ever have with the Good News.



Praise Reporter News magazine shares good news about whats happening in your community and across the country and around the world.


Ways to listen to 247 Praise Radio

Now you can listen to 247 Praise Radio on your Android Phones. Click to download

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© 2016 by I.D. Payne

247 Praise

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